- insert と member は LLRB の方が早い.
- delete は Data.Set の方が早い.
LLRB の delete を Data.Set よりも早くしようと試行錯誤したがうまくいかなかった. Haskell のチューニングの難しさを実感した. なかなか直感通りにいかなくて大変だ.
研究とかLinuxとかプログラミングの話をダラダラ書いてます。 昔はFreeBSDのことも書いていましたが、最近Linuxに変えてしまいました。
module Main where
data Color = Red | Black deriving (Show, Eq)
data LLRB a = Null | Branch !Color !(LLRB a) a !(LLRB a) deriving (Show)
member :: Ord a => a -> LLRB a -> Bool
member _ Null = False
member x (Branch c l y r) =
case compare x y of
LT -> member x l
GT -> member x r
EQ -> True
null :: LLRB a -> Bool
null Null = True
null _ = False
empty :: LLRB a
empty = Null
singleton :: a -> LLRB a
singleton x = Branch Red Null x Null
insert :: Ord a => a -> LLRB a -> LLRB a
insert x root = make_black $ insert' x root
insert' :: Ord a => a -> LLRB a -> LLRB a
insert' x Null = singleton x
insert' x h@(Branch _ (Branch Red _ _ _) _ (Branch Red _ _ _)) = insert' x $ colorFlip h
insert' x h@(Branch c l y r) =
f2 $ f1 $ case compare x y of
LT -> Branch c (insert' x l) y r
GT -> Branch c l y (insert' x r)
EQ -> h
f1 t@(Branch _ _ _ (Branch Red _ _ _)) = rotateL t
f1 t = t
f2 t@(Branch _ (Branch Red (Branch Red _ _ _) _ _) _ _) = rotateR t
f2 t = t
findMin :: LLRB a -> a
findMin (Branch _ Null x r) = x
findMin (Branch _ l x r) = findMin l
findMin Null = error "LLRB.findMin: empty tree has no minimal element"
findMax :: LLRB a -> a
findMax (Branch _ l x Null) = x
findMax (Branch _ l x r) = findMax r
findMax Null = error "LLRB.findMax: empty tree has no minimal element"
deleteMax :: LLRB a -> LLRB a
deleteMax root = make_black $ deleteMax' root where
deleteMax' :: LLRB a -> LLRB a
deleteMax' h = let t' = apply_rotR h in
if isRightNull t' then Null else (fixUp . f . apply_mRR) t' where
f (Branch c l x r) = Branch c l x (deleteMax' r)
deleteMin :: LLRB a -> LLRB a
deleteMin root = make_black $ deleteMin' root where
deleteMin' :: LLRB a -> LLRB a
deleteMin' (Branch _ Null _ _) = Null
deleteMin' h = (fixUp . f . apply_mRL) h
f (Branch c l x r) = Branch c (deleteMin' l) x r
delete :: Ord a => a -> LLRB a -> LLRB a
delete x root = make_black $ delete' x root
data NodeCond = NLeft | NRight | NBottom
delete' :: Ord a => a -> LLRB a -> LLRB a
delete' _ Null = error "LLRB.delete: element is not the member"
delete' x h@(Branch c l y r) =
fixUp $ case compare x y of
LT -> (f . apply_mRL) h
f (Branch c l y r) = Branch c (delete' x l) y r
GT -> (f . apply_mRR . apply_rotR) h
f (Branch c l y r) = Branch c l y (delete' x r)
EQ -> case nodecond h of
NBottom -> Null
NLeft -> let z = apply_mRL h in
if eq x z then delleft z else delete' x z
NRight -> let z = (apply_mRR . apply_rotR) h in
if eq x z then delright z else delete' x z
eq a (Branch _ _ b _) = a == b
nodecond (Branch _ Null _ Null) = NBottom
nodecond (Branch _ (Branch _ _ _ _) _ _) = NLeft
nodecond (Branch _ _ _ (Branch _ _ _ _)) = NRight
delleft (Branch c' l' x' r') = Branch c' (deleteMax' l') (findMax l') r'
delright (Branch c' l' x' r') = Branch c' l' (findMin r') (deleteMin' r')
-- Helper
apply_mRL t@(Branch _ (Branch Red _ _ _) _ _) = t
apply_mRL t@(Branch _ (Branch _ (Branch Red _ _ _) _ _) _ _) = t
apply_mRL t = moveRedLeft t
apply_mRR t@(Branch _ _ _ (Branch Red _ _ _)) = t
apply_mRR t@(Branch _ _ _ (Branch _ (Branch Red _ _ _) _ _)) = t
apply_mRR t = moveRedRight t
apply_rotR t@(Branch _ (Branch Red _ _ _) _ _) = rotateR t
apply_rotR t = t
isRightNull t@(Branch _ _ _ Null) = True
isRightNull t = False
make_black :: LLRB a -> LLRB a
make_black (Branch _ l x r) = Branch Black l x r
make_black Null = Null
fixUp :: LLRB a -> LLRB a
fixUp = f3 . f2 . f1 where
f1 t@(Branch _ _ _ (Branch Red _ _ _)) = rotateL t
f1 t = t
f2 t@(Branch _ (Branch Red (Branch Red _ _ _) _ _) _ _) = rotateR t
f2 t = t
f3 t@(Branch _ (Branch Red _ _ _) _ (Branch Red _ _ _)) = colorFlip t
f3 t = t
moveRedRight :: LLRB a -> LLRB a
moveRedRight h = f $ colorFlip h where
f t@(Branch _ (Branch _ (Branch Red _ _ _) _ _) _ _) = colorFlip $ rotateR t
f t = t
moveRedLeft :: LLRB a -> LLRB a
moveRedLeft h = f $ colorFlip h where
f (Branch c l x r@(Branch _ (Branch Red _ _ _) _ _)) = colorFlip $ rotateL $ Branch c l x (rotateR r)
f t = t
colorFlip :: LLRB a -> LLRB a
colorFlip (Branch c (Branch c1 l1 x1 r1) x (Branch c2 l2 x2 r2)) =
Branch (fl c) (Branch (fl c1) l1 x1 r1) x (Branch (fl c2) l2 x2 r2)
fl Red = Black
fl Black = Red
colorFlip _ = error "LLRB.colorFlip: tree must have 3 nodes at least"
rotateL :: LLRB a -> LLRB a
rotateL (Branch c l x (Branch c' l' x' r')) =
Branch c (Branch Red l x l') x' r'
rotateL _ = error "LLRB.rotateL: tree must have 2 nodes at least"
rotateR :: LLRB a -> LLRB a
rotateR (Branch c (Branch c' l' x' r') x r) =
Branch c l' x' (Branch Red r' x r)
rotateR _ = error "LLRB.rotateR: tree must have 2 nodes at least"
-- test
tree :: Int -> LLRB Int
tree 0 = empty
tree (n+1) = insert (n+1) (tree n)
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ member 1 $ (iterate deleteMax (tree 100000)) !! 100000